The kids from our Kibera laboratory asked us for a meeting on problem solving.

Life is made up of problems and choices.

Problems to solve, which affect or damage our lives.

We find ourselves having to do problem solving every day, often we do it without realizing it, but when we have bigger problems we feel in difficulty.

The first step in problem solving is to realize the problems that affect our lives! And the second is to identify the problem well.

It sounds like a joke, but this is often the hardest part. Because we are so used to our life that we don't realize what is ruining it. It is essential to understand what the problems really are, because very often we fool ourselves, and we focus on the details and not on the real causes.

I'll give you some examples:

How many times does it happen to us that we are nervous, or angry, or sad but we don't know exactly why?

It may be that we have argued with friends, or there have been problems with parents, and this is the trigger. But often if we are very angry, or unhappy, that is not the real problem.

The problem could be the fear of losing friends we care about, or that of losing the respect of our parents. Or it could be the esteem we have for ourselves.

It may also be that we find ourselves having to choose between our friends and our most important values. Or it may happen that choices that are too important for us will distance us from our family, or from someone we care about.

As long as we are kids, it can also happen that our parents' choices affect our lives in a way that we struggle to accept.

In these cases it is essential that we stop and think carefully about what is truly the cause of our problem. And how much this problem weighs on us.

Once we are reasonably certain of the problem, we then focus on the possibilities for solving it.

It is useless to look for solutions that are not within our reach, it is better to start from what we have and what we can do.

If we focus on what we don't have, everything will seem impossible and we will never be able to improve our lives.

What options do you have? Is there anyone who can help you? How much time do we have to solve this problem?

In many cases it can help you to talk about it with friends, perhaps they know something more than you, have had similar experiences, or can help you in some way.

Another important thing is to understand how serious or irreparable this problem really is.

Maybe you can't solve the problem but you can make it less serious. Or you can still find a positive way of facing life by changing your way of living.

This is what happens in the case of an accident.

Maybe you were a great athlete and you broke your leg badly... Life will seem ruined forever.

But that's not the case, there are always other ways to be happy and give new meaning to life. An accident can force you to stop and open up important aspects of life that you might have missed.

Practice recognizing problems and imagining possible solutions, because this can also become your job or your salvation. Also train yourself to imagine different ways of thinking and living life. Write or talk to friends.

Research problems, imagine solutions, seek information to further open your horizons, and then test your ideas!

Have the courage to try and make mistakes, because there is no other way to learn.


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