Life is a matter of choices.

Our time is not infinite, we need time and resources to learn, to train, to become good at something.

We need time to grow one project rather than another.

We can never become good at everything, know everything, or do anything.

Even if we were very rich, if we didn't need to work, and never had financial problems, we would never be able to do everything that would be nice to be able to do.

We have limits.

These limits are the time and energy at our disposal.

I have learned that it is important to become aware of this.

What does this mean?

It means that in our choices we will decide which part of us to strengthen and which not.

It means that we will decide what to know better and what to leave behind.

It means that we will be able to grow one project and not another. Or do one job and not another.

It means that we will find ourselves favoring some friends and abandoning others.

It means that we will not always be children or teenagers, and we will not be able to ask back the time we have used in bad choices.

But to learn you have to make mistakes. Try, make mistakes, understand and correct.

It also means that we will have to learn to accept that we have limits.

Limits that not even wealth can resolve.

It means that we need others to overcome obstacles that we cannot face.

To be happy and live our lives well, we must learn to accept this truth.

We will never be able to do everything we wish we could do.

And the more we learn, the more we know how interesting and beautiful life can be, the more we wish we could have time to have new experiences.

This is one of the greatest difficulties for each of us and for adolescence in particular: understanding what the best choices are, to give an interesting and beautiful direction to our life.

I don't know what advice to give you, because the choices depend on you, on your tastes, on your talents, on your resources.

But I feel like I can say that life can be beautiful and happy if you know how to find a balance. If you know how to enhance your abilities and commit seriously to your dreams, but also if you know how to appreciate what is within your reach.

The greatest satisfactions are often hidden behind simple things.

Life will be better if you know how to live together with others, appreciating their talents without dwelling too much on their defects. Possibly helping others overcome their shortcomings.

When you choose your friends, your companies, or the people to whom you dedicate your time, do so with courage and care. Your friends are part of you, they are part of your future.


I included some photos of Becky Elizabeth in this post, because this girl (11-12 years old) had the chance and courage to make difficult choices. Choices that allowed her to continue attending our laboratory and continue living in Kibera. A place that she herself doesn't wish on anyone.

I want to wish her a future worthy of this courage, and above all a happy life.


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