Why you🙂♥️

 Last week the kids from Kibera laboratory asked me some questions that I want to answer calmly.

In what was perhaps the first question, they asked me: "are we special kids? That you decided to help us?"

I had written that in the life of each of us no one does anything for nothing, and that there is always a reason.

I like being useful to others, because it gives meaning to my life. I believe that helping others is good for each of us and is an important human need.

Having the chance to be truly useful to someone is a big opportunity that should be understood and valued.

But each of us has preferences, and it is right to recognize them.

I particularly love being able to help children and young people. This is because I see in them the future of the world, and most of all I hope to be able to pass part of myself to the new generations. Helping young people is a bit like being able to live in the future. If you loved life, you would like others to be able to love it like you.

I was lucky enough to be able to cultivate various passions in life, from horticulture to cooking, and then music, photography and ceramics. I studied biology at university and now I work making cheese.

I have learned many things, and, among them, that life has a lot of interesting things to discover. But none of these things can truly bring you happiness if you can't share it with others.

After a life spent discovering passions, I now feel the enormous need to share them with others, to pass on to others the emotion of living, discovering and being curious. I wish I could teach what made my life special.

Why do I help the kids of Kibera and not others?

I also helped other children and young people; these were very beautiful experiences, but unfortunately there was no possibility to continue.

In the last two years, before meeting Calvin, I tried to enter other volunteering organizations but they weren't right for me.

Helping, or truly being helpful to someone, is not so easy: there must be an affinity, common interests or passions, and a mutual sensitivity, which generates trust and satisfaction on both sides. Furthermore, you should have the right experience and knowledge to be able to really help in some way.

Because you can't help someone out of a sense of duty, you can only truly do it if you truly love what you're doing. Only until you have faith in those you try to help, only until you see that you are truly useful, only if those you help believe in you, only if you yourself somehow find the right reward. The reward that lies in the satisfaction of being understood and being able to pass an important part of you to others.

I help you, children and young people from Kibera, because I was lucky enough to find Calvin and establish a relationship of mutual trust with him.

I help you because Calvin can act as an intermediary for me, because he shares many of my fundamental values.

I help you because I see your commitment and involvement. A commitment that I have rarely seen in Italy.

I help you perhaps a little by chance, but in any case chance made me meet you, and not others. And now that I'm starting to grow fond of you, this becomes an important thing for me.

I don't know if you are special kids, but for me you have become special ones. You have become important because I am getting to know you, and I believe in the possibility of building something beautiful together.


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