
In this beautiful Tedx, Ann Hood tells her story, and explains why it is so important for her to write. Because she thinks it's important to write.

Have you ever thought about writing?

Have you ever felt the need to write?

To write stories, or to write down thoughts and reflections, or things that you want to remember?

I could ask you different questions:

Have you ever needed to talk to someone? Do you often feel the need to confide in your friends and ask for advice?

Have you ever felt the need to look for answers or imagine solutions to something that worries you? Or the need to imagine a different world?

Writing can be used for this and more.

Writing can be a way to let off steam, to meditate, to tell stories, to preserve thoughts and memories, and also to imagine different worlds.

I have never loved reading and writing too much, I have always been slow to read, and while I was reading I was distracted by a thousand thoughts. And I was terrible at writing, the spelling errors were endless and I was always missing the right words.

But now I feel a need to write and communicate that I struggle to explain.

Speaking often puts me in difficulty, because I often get stuck and miss the words I want. But writing allows me to communicate my thoughts without haste, and fixes my thoughts, also allowing me to think better and understand if I'm making mistakes.

Life loses much of its meaning if we don't find a way to talk about ourselves. If we don't find a way to express ourselves and show the world that we are here.

If we don't claim our value.

If our problems, our thoughts, our hopes remain only within us.

Being a person, giving meaning to one's life, also means finding a way to get out of ourselves and show others what is most important to us.

We can do it with drawing, with music, with theatre, with dance, with work, with relationships, and with writing. Each form has its importance and its privileges.

But writing is something more, because it is not just a way of communicating, but also a way of thinking and a way of reasoning.

Writing helps us grow and offers us a way to redeem ourselves from a world that is restrictive to us.

Through writing we stop our thoughts, we put them to the test, we try to imagine solutions, we compare ourselves with different ways of thinking.

Never think that your life is banal and that your thoughts are not worth communicating.

Never take anything in life for granted.

You are important, we are important.

Through art and writing we have the opportunity to show this to the world.


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