What do I mean with: a better world?

For me, a better world is mainly a world with greater justice, because in my opinion what ruins the world the most is social injustice and the abuse of some (richer or stronger and more powerful) over others.

But a better world is also a happier, healthier world, with fewer problems, and in which people feel confident that they can have a good life if they work hard enough.

For centuries and millennia, humanity has worked to make the world better and better, many problems have been solved, and life has become easier thanks to many discoveries and new technologies.

Starting from the wheel, and then agriculture, livestock farming, metalworking, ceramics, electricity, science and medicine...

Unfortunately new discoveries always bring not only advantages but also unexpected problems. And among other things, there are always those who take advantage of this, by using their superiority only for their own advantage.

In the world there is always a balance between people who love life and work for a better world, and those who are afraid of others and are only capable of thinking about their own advantage.

Fear and ignorance make man bad. I believe that wickedness and abuse are a disease that derives mainly from ignorance and the resulting fear.

In any case, the world improves when the number of people who love their own lives, and the lives of others, increases;  and when they work to make the world more beautiful and happier. 

Positive effort, even from just one more person, makes a small difference.

However, when we give in to selfishness and fear of others, we risk giving more strength to the ugliest part of humanity.

Wisdom, knowledge, friendship with the right people, and the courage to help each other, makes the beautiful part of humanity stronger.

I was taught that a confident dog doesn't bite. Dogs who are afraid bite. These are the ones who become really dangerous!

Maybe it's the same thing for people.

If what I think is right, a better world is a wiser world, and thanks to wisdom the world will be fairer for everyone. In this way there will be many fewer people who will be afraid of being overwhelmed by others, and there will be many more who will understand that there is always a gain in helping each other.

In my immagination a better world is a curious world, which loves life and wants to discover it, a world of people who like to become good at something, and make their contribution to a more beautiful and happier society.

A better world is one that appreciates the effort of others, and the commitment to making it a happier or simply more serene land.


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