About a second question of Kibera kids:

What do I mean by the best version of ourselves?

Nicolò Govoni, in his latest book Altrove, imagines that there exist different parallel realities, different worlds in which different versions of ourselves live a different reality.

According to this vision, there are many people like us who live different lives because they have made different choices during their lives.

For example:

They have put more effort into something or other, they were more or less kind, they helped someone or instead they hurt someone else because they were afraid or needed money. There are many choices that can change you profoundly during your life.

Knowing the world, and how life works, can help us make the best choices. This is one of the reasons why it is important to be curious, learn many things, and understand the most important things that govern our lives.

This can also be a good reason to read books and discover other people's life stories, because in this way we can try to imagine how our life could change by being or becoming different people.

So, depending on the condition we were born into, the choices of our parents, and our personal choices, we could become people with happier lives, or richer, or lonelier, or more powerful, or more fragile. There will be people who have made choices that have ruined their lives leading to poverty or illness, or isolation because they have made too many enemies.

The best version of ourselves is the one in which we were able to make the best choices starting from who we were and what we had.

From my point of view, the best version of myself is not the one in which I am richest or most powerful, but the one in which I can say I have lived the happiest life or the one that has allowed me the most interesting life.

The best version of myself is the one in which I am most proud of the choices I had the courage to make and carry forward.

The best version of myself will be remembered by others because it will be an example for everyone, because it will not only have been a happy and wonderful existence for me, but also useful and precious for others.

I think that the best version of ourselves is able to make not only our lives better, but also those of those around us and make the whole world a little better.

This is because a sad world around us makes life less beautiful, and a world with wise and happy people can improve the lives of others too.


  1. Very well written. I believe that becoming the best version of ourselves also comes from developing personally, it's a journey of body, mind and spirit and to move forward. One of the most beautiful things about being a human is that we are never really done. There's always more we could do. Becoming our best selves is a journey.


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